Samastipur (Bihar), 18 July: A woman had to run from pillar to post for three months to lodge a rape complaint against the village strong man who allegedly drugged and raped her. He allegedly took nude pictures of her after she was drugged and also raped her.


The accused used the woman's pictures and videos to blackmail her, it was reported. As per the complaint registered in Khanpur police station of Samastipur District in Bihar, the victim was given a drug-laced cold drink. After the victim was drugged, the accused raped her and took her pictures and videos of her in a compromising position. He started blackmailing her by threatening to upload pictures and videos on social media.


According to the police, the victim woman got married in 2019. On her wedding day, she met a person who was her brother's friend. After speaking to him she found that the person is studying in the same class as her. This was the first time the woman got to know the person. They both spoke about filling the examination form in the coming month.


Later, when the victim called up the accused to accompany her to fill the form, he asked her to come to his house situated at Kashipur. The youth served her a cold drink that was laced with drugs. After drinking it, the woman became unconscious. When she came back to her senses, she asked the friend what had happened? He replied that she had a headache and so she slept.


But after few days the youth called the woman and told her about that day. He also sent some of her pictures and videos in a compromising position to her mobile and demanded two lakh rupees from her. He threatened that if she won't give him the money he would send all the pictures and videos to her husband.


The woman said that she didn't have that much money so the accused suggested that she give him her jewellery in exchange for all her photographs and videos. But even after giving the jewellery, the accused kept on blackmailing her.


He started calling her to his place and raping her. He also took 35 thousand cash from the woman. When the blackmailing got too much, the woman left her husband and started living with the accused as husband and wife. After some time when the woman asked him to marry her and take her to his parents, he started avoiding her.


Then, the woman's family called a Panchayat meeting where the Panchayat asked the youth marry the woman but the accused, a village strongman, refused to obey the panchayat's decision and threatened to expose the woman's pictures and videos on social media.


Fed up, the woman approached the local police station but they refused to register the complaint saying that she was living with the man of her own will so they asked her to not waste their time.


Determined, the woman ran from pillar to post to get her complaint register. At last, she approached the City superintendent of police and after he intervened, a case was registered. Now, the police is investigating the case.