New Delhi, September 2: Delhi Police have reportedly arrested two persons last week from Bihar’s Champaran district based on a complaint of rape of a minor girl in East Delhi’s New Ashok Nagar. The 16-year old victim had come to Delhi, along with her male friend, in search of a happy future – including a job, a marriage with the friend, and a happy and successful marital life.

Police sources say that the victim was allegedly raped by a 32-year-old auto driver Ravi Kumar who has been arrested along with his friend Sajjan. The friend of the accused was booked for allegedly threatening the girl and snatching her mobile phone.

The victim, a student of class IX, arrived in Delhi, alongwith her male friend. While at the New Delhi Railway Station, they hired Ravi Kumar’s auto to look for accommodation. Ravi, sensing the opportunity, took them to his relative’s rented accommodation in New Ashok Nagar. He also promised all help in getting them a job.

On arrival at the rented accommodation, the accused sent her friend to buy household goods from a nearby market. Feeling this was the most opportune moment, he forced upon her and sexually assaulted the girl. The accused threatened the girl of dire consequences and asked her to remain mum to the ordeal she had faced in search of a bright future in Delhi.

Post the incident, the survivor started crying profusely and requested her male friend, on his return, to go back to Bihar. The auto driver then dropped them back at the railway station and fled the scene.

After the accused’s disappearance, while still at the station, the girl again broke down at her shattered dreams and her ordeal, which is when a patrol cop spotted her. He took the two to the police station and enquired about what had happened. A whole series of bewildering sequence of incidents tumbled out – based on which a report was registered.

The police said that the second accused threatened and snatched the victim’s phone near the station. His name is Sajjan, and is a native of Delhi. He was tracked using the victim’s stolen phone.

Separate FIRs of rape and robbery have been filed.

As the main-accused also belonged to Bihar, the police sent a team to his native place and caught him there. Ravi Kumar has been booked under relevant sections, including of the protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act as the victim is a minor.

Her family has been informed about the girl’s whereabouts and her ordeal and she is being provided counseling through an NGO.