Samastipur, (Bihar), May 28: Police arrested seven people for raping a woman on Tuesday in Samastipur, in the North-Eastern state of Bihar in India. These seven people are said to be employees of a marriage organiser. The complaint was registered by the victim's family in Vibhutipur police station. 

As per the complaint, the woman went to a field nearby her house to answer nature's call before dawn. On her way back, she was confronted by the staff of the marriage organiser. They raped the woman one after the other until the woman became unconscious. 

Thinking that the woman was dead, the accused dragged her and hung her on an electric pole. Then all accused ran away from the spot. When there was light in the morning, passersby noticed the woman on the pole and informed the family. The family members reached the spot and took her to Dalsing Sarai Hospital. Later she was referred to Sadar Hospital for better treatment.

The members of the victim suspected the staff of the marriage organiser so they captured seven of them and handed them over to the police. 

According to the police after initial investigation, they found that there was a wedding in the victim's family on Monday. Tuesday early morning the woman went to answer nature's call. She was followed by the marriage organiser’s employees. 

The accused first asked the woman to remove her jewellery and clothes. Upon refusing to do so, the accused mean beat up the victim and also raped her, taking turns. 

The family members and villagers suspected the marriage organiser’s staff because they were missing since the morning of Tuesday. Somehow the villagers got hold of seven people and locked them in a room. 

They then informed the police. As soon as the police got the information, they reached the crime spot. Police inspector Chandrakant Gouri said when they reach the spot they found women's clothes were lying on the ground. There was no jewelry found there. 

“We have sent the victim for treatment to the hospital. She is not in a condition to give her statement. We are waiting for her doctor's approval to take her statements”, he added.