Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh), 10 August: A criminal case has been reported from Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh on Monday. The police has registered a case against Vishal, the accused, for attempting to rape a married woman at knifepoint, after breaking into her house.

According to their version, the police have launched a manhunt to nab the culprit who is absconding since the incident, but to no avail.

In her complaint, the 30-year-old victim has alleged that a man broke through into her house in Tajpur Kala village in Muzaffarnagar district on Sunday. He was carrying a knife and threatened the victim to give in to his sexual pursuit without protest. According to the victim, she is married and was sleeping at her parents’ home which comes under the Chapar police station limits.

She has also identified the culprit who had come with intentions to sexually violate her as Vishal.  

The intruder, feeling he might be caught, was forced to run away only after the woman raised an alarm. A police has case has been registered against the man based on the complaint.

The complainant has categorically reiterated that Vishal had entered her room with a knife in hand and tried to rape her.

Earlier, cases of sexual assault usually were reported from dark, deserted and desolate spaces; but the Opposition claims that alongwith the upturn in the cases the breakdown in law and order in Uttar Pradesh has made the assaulters more bold – and as in this case – women even in their houses alongwith with their families seems less safe then ever.