Mumbai, August 16: On Wednesday, a 38-year-old man has been convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and slapped with a fine of Rupees One lakh, by a special court for repeatedly raping a 14-year-old minor girl in Mumbai.

The accused and the victim were neighbours and these horrific incidents took place in 2019.

Special Public Prosecutor, V D More, said that in April 2019, the tuition teacher of the victim noticed that her grades were deteriorating and she started being quiet most of the time. When she asked the girl, the minor started crying and confided that her neighbour used to sexually assault her repeatedly. She also added that she hasn’t told this incident to anyone as the accused threatened to kill her and her family members – including her elder sister and mother.

Based on what was revealed to her, the teacher reported the predicament to the victim’s mother. Her mother then filed a complaint against the accused with the help of a social worker.

The accused, a businessman by profession, on one occasion, had even forcefully taken the girl to his house and raped her there when she had returned alone to her house to collect her pouch added V D More.

The victim’s friend had also seen her being harassed by the accused. The verdict comes after the court relied on the testimonies of the victim, her friend and her tuition teacher.

The court found the accused guilty on charges including rape and under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.